Monday, January 11, 2010

Tatted bracelet #2

Tatted bracelet #2 (PixUp), originally uploaded by ambrosianbeads.

I finished this bracelet last week while gallery sitting. I tried it on and it was a bit loose. The last thing I remember is thinking about it being loose, and then my memory is blank. I must have taken it off, but after that, I have no idea where it went. We scoured the gallery floor, drawers, my purse, I checked outside where I had walked earlier. Sad, because I intended to take photos of the finished product. I was pretty happy with my pattern and planned to draw up a schematic of the stitches, but I would definitely use smaller beads next time.


IsDihara said...

Your needle tatted bracelet turned out quite well! I have met your tatting teacher at the Ben Lomond house and she is terrific!

IsDihara said...

don't know if my first comment went through, so sorry if you receive two from me!

Was thrilled to see that you and I live close to each other. I invite you to visit my tatting blog:

Here is a link to a post where your tatting teacher dropped by on Tatting Tea Tuesday!

retrothreads said...

Very cool ! I started following your blog and I added it to my google reader :-) I need as much inspiration as I can find !